Dawn Musil

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Dawn Musil

Dawn Musil is an ecologist and beekeeper who has been working at the intersection of technology, innovation, and agriculture. She has specifically focused on addressing the threats to pollinators through various lens including research, entrepreneurship, and technology-based solutions.

Her journey with beekeeping began when she was 14 and kept bees for her family’s apple orchard. In university, her experience with beekeeping and passion for social change opened the door for entrepreneurship when she started Bee the Change, a social venture to offer economic opportunities to low-income women through beekeeping. She continued her work on Bee the Change as an AmeriCorps member serving in local community gardens and continuing to grow their apiary.

In 2017, while working as a Venture for America fellow supporting the growth of small businesses in Baltimore, she co-founded Hivelend. Hivelend is an online pollination platform to connect beekeepers and farmers to facilitate sustainable pollination in the pollination market in the United States.

Dawn is passionate about using technology to support pollination both for beekeepers through hive health and the farmers through effective pollination.

As a Resolution Fellow alumnus, Dawn is delighted to support young entrepreneurs focused in beekeeping, as a guide to a team of Resolution Fellows in Ghana called Api-Smart that is using beekeeping to bring economic opportunities to the community.