Joaquín Víquez is a passionate social impact leader focused on circular economy, WASH and sustainability. His background is in Agricultural Engineering from EARTH University in Costa Rica, and M.S. in Environmental Science and Engineering from Colorado School of Mines in USA.
Joaquín has spent the past 10 years in Latin America working to promote the use of biogas technology as a mean to treat organic waste but producing positive social and environmental surplus in the process. He founded Viogaz, a social company that designed, manufactured, serviced and financed biogas systems to small livestock farmers in Costa Rica and the region. He is now collaborating with the German Agency for International Cooperation GIZ, on a WASH Regional project in the Wider Caribbean.
Joaquín has published several technical publications and collaborated with presentations on international grounds. He has participated as a consultant for organizations like SNV, USAID, Cibiogas, as well as co-founding the Costa Rican Biogas Association, is a board member of the Latin America Network of Biodigesters (RedBioLAC) and is collaborating as visiting faculty for EARTH University.