David Muhia

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David Muhia

Prior to his MBA and Skoll Scholarship at Oxford, David was a researcher in the field of Tropical Medicine. He completed his PhD in Tropical Medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where he was a Welcome Trust prize student. He later worked at the Wellcome Trust research laboratories in Kenya and Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.

After his MBA, David worked at the Northampton NHS trust UK before joining UNICEF in 2010 where he managed a team of experts procuring and delivering access to affordable Essential Medicines to UNICEF global programs from UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen Denmark. Among David’s key accomplishments at UNICEF Supply Division is in making available and expanding access to life saving medicines for mothers and children, especially the child friendly dispersible amoxicillin tablets to treat childhood pneumonia and co-packaged oral rehydration salts and Zinc to treat childhood diarrhea at a community level in low-income countries. Pneumonia and diarrhea are the two biggest killers of children under 5 years and together account for about 30% of all mortality cases in this age group.

In 2017, David was transferred to Amman Jordan where he is currently the Supply Manager in UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Regional office. David oversees the coordination of supply needs for the region’s 20 countries which include an emergency supply for Syria and Yemen.