Geographical Location: Europe
Area of Activity: Economic Opportunity, Peace & Human Rights

email [email protected]
linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-fisher-martins-a5a8992

Since completing the MBA, Sandra has been looking at ways of harnessing the power of capital markets to incentivise sustainable business practices and, particularly, to drive change within companies that neglect their social and environmental impacts. Her new venture, Asymmetry, acts as a bridge between on-the-ground investigative NGOs that have direct visibility into abuses along companies supply chains and investors that can use such information to drive share price corrections and corporate change.

Before Asymmetry, Sandra had founded Claro, a social enterprise that launched the plain-language movement in Portugal. Claro pushes government and businesses to simplify their communication and remove the barriers created by complex language.

As a plain-language advocate, Sandra was invited to present to high-profile audiences around the world, including at the European Commission, the Swedish Ministry of Justice, the German Ministry of Justice, and the University of Barcelona. Her acclaimed TEDx Talk, The Right to Understand, was featured on the TED homepage and sparked a nationwide conversation that ultimately led to several governmental plain-language initiatives.

Prior to launching Claro, Sandra worked as a solution-focused psychotherapist for the British National Health Service and Lisbon’s Santa Casa da Misericórdia. She holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Lisbon.