Prior to Oxford, Ntongi McFadyen spent eight years with Save the Children, specialising in financial and business support services for poor entrepreneurs around the world. She spent three years in Guatemala, starting up and managaing a rural microfinance program for Mayan women. Later, she built the capacity of microfinance institutions across Africa, Central America and South Asia, and developed strategic alliances with commercial banks and NGOs to bridge the delivery of social services with access to finance.
Since completing the MBA, Ntongi has continued to work to improve entrepreneurs’ access to markets, financial services, and technology. She started an independent consultancy to provide advisory and project management services in the areas of financial services, SME development, and social entrepreneurship to global organisations including AT&T, USAID, ShoreBank International (now Enclude), Ford Foundation, Global Ag Risk, Oxfam GB and Save the Children. Most recently, Ntongi led the strategic direction and growth of Save the Children’s financial services and employment portfolio. The $21 million global portfolio supports programme delivery, research, and public-private partnerships that assist low-income populations in accumulating assets, managing risk, and gaining access to skills and networks which enable them to find employment or build a business.