Geographical Location: India
Area of Activity: Environmental Sustainability

email [email protected]
linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/nikhildugal

Nikhil Dugal is interested in systems change and solutions design. He currently leads the Skoll Centre’s portfolio of systems change projects, including a long-term research study with the Skoll Foundation on what type of social enterprises are better at creating systems change. His deep interest in systems thinking stems from his previous experience in various parts of the development sector including impact evaluation, social entrepreneurship and policy.

Nikhil finished his MBA in September 2018. Before his MBA, he co-founded Aadhan Infrastructure, a social enterprise that makes eco-friendly buildings. They recycle old shipping containers along with other environmentally friendly input materials into eco-friendly buildings, emphasising a culture of sustainability. At Aadhan, his responsibilities included project management, ideation, business development, and need analysis.

Prior to Aadhan, he worked at IFMR-LEAD as a Policy Associate, where he was responsible for outreach to development sector stakeholders and handling policy research projects. He has published research on macroeconomics, microfinance as well as impact evaluation.

Nikhil has a B.A. in Economics from New York University. He has worked in the US, Ghana, and India in the related fields of public policy, microfinance, and impact evaluation. Nikhil enjoys travelling, reading non-fiction, and thinking about ways to make the global economy more sustainable.