Skoll Scholar 2005-06
Geographical Location: South America
Area of Activity: Economic Opportunity

email [email protected]

Before coming to Oxford, Juan Jose created FIS Microcredito, a microfinance institution in Argentina operating in both rural and urban settings, and a Social Investment Fund called FIS Fondo de Inversion Social.

Juan Jose led FIS growth to become one of the major players in the Argentinian microfinance market, growing both organically and through the acquisition of a microfinance company. He gave oversight and supervision of a leading solar energy access programme in the region through microcredit in rural areas and, in 2008, struck a partnership with GrupoACP (the owner of Mibanco, Peru). In 2013, he partnered with Swiss NGO, the Alimentaris Foundation to lead a rural development programme for energy, water, and communication access in rural areas in the region.

After a successful project co-funded by Alimentaris and World Bank aiming to test new technologies for energy access, Juan Jose was invited to lead PERMER, a USD200M World Bank funded National Government Project to guarantee access to renewable energy to all families, public services and energy for water and productive uses in Argentina.