Skoll Scholar 2004-05
Geographical Location: Europe
Area of Activity: Environmental Sustainability

email [email protected]

Before coming to Oxford, Jesse helped launch, the digital library for people with visual impairments and reading disabilities. Bookshare was created and is operated by Benetech, a pioneering social enterprise developing IT-based solutions to social and environmental challenges.

Since leaving Oxford, Jesse has focused on climate, energy and sustainability issues. From 2005-2007, he helped the World Economic Forum establish its Global Risk Network of experts from industry, academia and the public sector, working to address risks to global wealth and welfare. From 2007-2013, he worked on climate strategies at Vattenfall, a Swedish-based energy company, leading their engagement in international climate change initiatives and contributing to the company’s strategies for addressing CO2 emissions. In 2013, Jesse joined the SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and is helping create a research programme on Clean Energy Foresight.